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What Should I Carry in my Diaper Bag?

  • 3 min read

Once you get home with your new baby, you will find that your new security blanket for parents is the diaper bag.  The better the bag, the less apprehension. Your need to figure out for yourself what goes in a diaper bag or more specifically, what goes inyour diaper bag.  You will find out the diaper bag is really a mom purse on steroids. Some popular sturdy material options mothers choose for their diaper bags include vegan leather diaper bags or canvas diaper bags.

What to pack in a diaper bag? If you plan accordingly, you will be able to handle whatever life throws your way—from instant freakouts to ravenous hunger cramps to poopy diapers, to almost anything else —a smartly-packed bag that slings on your back, or over your shoulders can make messy situations disappear. 

A diaper bag checklist for newborn or toddler includesmany of the following: Sleepy Panda Portable Chargerwet bag, water bottle, swaddles, changing supplies, spare outfit, feeding supplies

Diaper Bag Essentials

What to pack in a diaper bag? What to pack in a diaper bag for a newborn?  What to pack in a diaper bag for a toddler? What can reasonably be left behind? You will need to think about everything you want and need to handle life with your baby when you’re out and about. Here are many things all moms should have on your diaper bag checklist.

  • Diapers.At least one diaper for every two hours you’re out—and maybe a few extra, just to be safe.
  • Wipes.Get a good travel pack or keep your baby wipes moist in a plastic sandwich bag. They’re the multi-tasker of all diaper bag essentials—handy for wiping baby’s behind, your hands and the changing pad, always after you use a public restroom.
  • Baby cream/ointment.Save space with travel-sized tubes.
  • Changing PadSo important when you are out in the real world.
  • Small empty sacks.These are for used diapers and soiled clothing.
  • PacifiersIf you use them, store in a clean bag along with extra bottle nipples to keep everything sanitary.
  • Burp and wash cloths.Toss in as many as you think you’ll need, then add a few more. This includes bibs as well, which are great for keeping a cute outfit dry while you’re out and about.
  • Hand sanitizer.You never know who else has touched anything before you feed or change baby.
  • Food for baby.Whether it’s formula and bottles, pumped breast milk or baby food, figure out how many feedings-worth you’ll need and pack accordingly. Of course, for toddlers, you’ll also want to include some water or juice.
  • Change of clothes.Life comes at you fast.  And in waves.  When one set of clothes gets messy, its invariable that another set will catch food or something worse!
  • Hat.In summer or winter, you’ll want a seasonal hat or cover to block out sun or cold.
  • Sunscreen.For little ones 6 months and up, sunscreen will be a heaven sent item if you’ll be at the park or shopping. Protect younger babies with a hat or blanket for shade.
  • Light blanket.When you encounter breezes and drafty restaurants your baby will be happy with a blanket to keep them warm and to shade them from the sun.
  • Toys.Anything that keeps baby entertained—board books, rattle, teething rings—throw it into the bag. 
  • Light snacks. Puffs or Goldfish are essential for older babies up to toddlers when the next meal is in the far-off future
  • Band-Aids.With toddlers, you’ll invariably end up at the playground, even if you think you’re just going out for errands. Think your kid’s boo-boo is a barely-there scratch? She’ll want one anyway and it will make her feel better.
  • Whatever you typically stick in a purse.That includes your phone, extra money, keys and essential contact info (emergency contact, pediatrician, sitter, daycare etc.). This comes in handy if you forget your purse or are just stepping out for a quick jaunt.

Diaper Bag Extras

Babies and baby life can be so unpredictable; you will be happy to have many extras with you all of the time. Consider adding some or all of these items to your diaper bag checklist.

  • Reusable placemats.Servers will wipe down the table but who knows the last time that rag was cleaned?  Having a renewable or a disposable placemat will give you peace of mind at a restaurant. 
  • Nasal aspirator.You’ll have much happier baby out about town if you can lend an assist with her stuffy nose.
  • Nursing cover.Many moms find they can feel modest and secure when breast feeding in public. 
