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Meet the Mom: Lindsay

  • 3 min read
Meet Lindsay, travel blogger and photographer at www.wondersabroad.com and @wondersabroad on Instagram, first-time mama-to-be, and working full-time at the University of Chicago.
Besides future mom, what other hats do you wear? Do you work, hobby, volunteer?
I work full-time for the University of Chicago, and am an aspiring travel blogger and photographer. I also volunteer in my local congregation and enjoy being as crafty as possible. Spend enough time with me and you’re guaranteed to catch me doing a cross-stitch, drawing, painting, etc. 
I also enjoy working out and am looking forward to lots of walks with our baby boy.
Where do you live?Chicago, IL
What’s something your mom always said? Mind over mattress 
How are you preparing for baby?Cleaning house! We have been downsizing and purging a lot of the things we don’t need or don’t use to make room for the newest member of our family. Since we live in the city, space is a luxury so every inch counts!
What kind of Mom do you plan to be?You know, that kind that just absolutely knocks it out of the park and then the mom that is an absolute mess that you feel bad for? Well I’m hoping to find the happy medium between the two. 
What are you looking forward to the most about being a mom?Teaching my baby 
What are you looking forward to the least?Lack of sleep
Which TV, book, or movie mom do you think you'll most be like?A combination of Mrs. Weasley, Leigh Anne Tuohy(The Blind Side), and Sophia Petrillo(Golden Girls)
What’s your mom story? How did you become a mom?It took me a long time to decide I wanted to become a mother. I always wanted a family but never wanted a baby/infant. I am the youngest and never babysat growing up. Babies and kids have always been intimidating to me because the only way they communicate is through crying. Which didn’t(and doesn’t) sound appealing. Over time(years) and though many life experiences I slowly became ready to take the leap of faith with my husband to start our family. While I am am excited, I am also very nervous for this adventure. What gives me courage and confidence is my amazing husband, I would not be doing this if it wasn’t for him and I mean that in more than one way - if you know what I mean ;) 
What's the best advice you've received? Don’t worry
The worst?That pregnancy is going to be terrible and labor will be extremely painful. We’ve all had to listen so some horrible labor/birth story. Veteran moms - please keep those stories to yourselves!
What are you putting in your diaper bag?What aren’t I putting in my diaper bag is probably a better question. lol, I think I’ll probably be carrying everything around except the kitchen sink.
What’s one thing you still need to buy? Diapers and wipes! Yikes, better get on it!
What's the best part about being pregnant?Growing a little human and all the nice smiles from people on the street. 
The worst?Swollen feet and ankles.
Do you have a name picked out already?Yes! But we’re not telling until he arrives so you’ll just have to wait with the rest of them ;)
What's your favorite way to relax?Taking a bath, swimming or just being in water
