Meet Channing, a cardiac ICU nurse in New York City and first-time mama-to-be!

Besides future mom, what other hats do you wear? Do you work, hobby, volunteer?I work as a Cardiac ICU nurse at a large hospital in Manhattan, NY. I love saving people’s lives, it is such gratifying work, and such an adrenaline rush. It has also been great to help keep me active during my pregnancy; I walk anywhere from 4-10 miles during a shift. I also volunteer at my church to make connections and friendships with other local church leaders of other faiths, which I really enjoy doing. It is a great way for me to get to know my very diverse local community. I love being out in the sun, especially going to the beach out on Long Island.
Where do you live? I live in Queens, NY, which is one of the boroughs of New York City. I have lived here for almost 10 years.
How are you preparing for baby? I’m trying to gather all of the necessities I can think of. I have been reading a few sleep/feeding books that have been recommended to me by other moms.

What kind of Mom do you plan to be? I plan to be the best I can, I know it is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done. I want my little guy to know he is so loved and that I want him to be whatever he wants in life.
What are you looking forward to the most about being a mom? Forming that bond through nursing and cuddling is probably the most exciting thing to think about right now.
What are you looking forward to the least? Not getting enough sleep, I’ve always needed more hours than other people, so it will be a fun challenge to adjust to functioning off of very little sleep. But I know it is totally worth it.

What’s your mom story? How did you become a mom? I was very lucky to be able to conceive naturally, as I know the fertility struggle is a real thing for many women close to me.
What's the best advice you've received? Enjoy the newborn phase, let other things go and enjoy that baby. I think that will be a struggle for me to want to clean and be productive when the baby is sleeping. I am going to have to learn to slow down my normally busy pace and put the baby first.
The worst? I truly feel like the women that I have talked to have all given me sincere advice, so I really have not had any advice that has sounded horrible.
What are you putting in your diaper bag? Well, I still need to get a diaper bag, so I’m not totally sure yet. But I’m sure diapers, wipes, nursing cover, outfit change

What's one thing you still need to buy? A crib
What's the best part about being pregnant? I love feeling my little guy kick and move around inside me, I feel him respond to my voice, and it makes me so excited to actually meet him.
The worst? Indigestion. I work 12 hour shifts, and don’t always have time to eat meals at regular intervals, so I have had it pretty consistently throughout my entire pregnancy.
Do you have a name picked out already? Not yet, a short list, but nothing definite.
What's your favorite way to relax? I love napping, it has always been one of my favorite ways to relax. Even when I have break at work, we have a bed in our break room and I always try to catch a short nap during the day.